The Incomparable Christ

He came from the bosom of the Father to tthe bosom of a woman.  He put on humanity that He might redeem mankind.  He became Son of Man that we might become sons of God.  He came from Heaven, where the rivers never freeze, winds never blow, frosts never chill the air, flowers never fade, and no one is ever sick.  No undertakers and no graveyards, for no one ever dies — no one is ever buried.

He was born contrary to the laws of nature, lived in poverty, reared in obscurity; only once crossed the boundary of the land, in childhood.  He had no wealth nor influence and neither training nor education.  His  relatives were inconspicuous and uninfluential.

In infancy He started a King; in boyhood He puzzled the doctors; in manhood ruled the course of nature.  He walked upon the billows and hushed the sea to sleep.  He healed the multitudes without medicine, and made no charge for His services.  He never wrote a book yet not all the libraries of the country could hold the books that have beenn written about Him.  He never wrote a song, yet He has furnished the theme of more songs than all song writers combined.  He never founded a college, yet all the schools together cannot boast as many students as He has.  He never practised medicine and yet He healed more broken hearts than the doctors, broken bodies.

He never marshalled an army, drafted a soldier, nor fired a gun, yet no leader ever made more volunteers who have, under His orders, made rebels stack arms or surrender without a shot being fired. 

His the Star of Astronomy, the Rock of Geology, the Harmoniser of all discords, and the healer of all diseases.  Great men have come and gone, yet He lives on.  Herod could not kill HIm, Satan could not seduce Him, Death could not destroy Him, the grave could not hold Him.

He laid aside His purple robe for a peasant’s gown.  He was rich, yet for our sake He became poor.  How poor?  Ask Mary!  Ask the Wise Men!  He slept in another’s manger, He cruised the Lake in another’s boat.  He rode on another man’s ass.  He was buried in another man’s tomb.  All failed, but He never.  The ever Perfect One — He is he Chief among ten thousand.  HE IS ALTOGETHER LOVELY, and He is my Saviour.

Is he yours?


“For He received from God the Father Honour and Glory, when there came such a Voice to Him from the Excellent Glory: ‘This is My beloved Son, In Whom i am well please’.”


© Douglas Carr 2021